About LOT Dla Firm
The LOT Dla Firm programme is a business loyalty programme for people who run a company. With the programme you can use the maximum of your travel budget - all you need to do is fly with LOT.
For a start you company will get 2000 Welcome Premium Points Employee travel can be credited to the program up to 6 months prior to registration.
In the LOT Dla Firm programme, in one account, the company collects Points for its employees' flights, and at the same time employees can collect miles in their individual accounts in the Miles & More programme.
About LOT dla Firm
Benefits for your company from participating in the LOT Dla Firm programme:
- Savings on business travel – reduce flight costs with special offers.
- Points for every trip – earn points not only for LOT flights but also for hotel stays and car rentals.
- Flexibility in travel – change the passenger's name on the ticket for a small fee, tailoring tickets to the company's needs.
- Rewards for points – exchange accumulated points for attractive rewards, such as:
Rewards in the program
Airline ticket
Services that increase travel comfort
Hotel stays
Entry to Business Lounges
Extra baggage
Discount Voucher
Menu Premium
Fast Track
Does your Company travel frequently for business?
Join the LOT Dla Firm program and start saving money on business flights.

The more you fly, the more privileges you have!
For every flight you receive Premium Points which can be spend on awards and you also earn Status Points and gain higher levels. There are 4 statuses: Start, Blue, Silver and Gold. Each of the statuses offers a different range of benefits.
Earning Points ✈ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Spending Points ✈ | × | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Points validity ✈ | × | 24 months | 36 months | 36 months |
Bonus for purchase at LOT.com ✈ | × | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Name change in a full-fare ticket In Standard fare (from class Q and above) and Flex fare (in all classes) ✈ |
× | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Status validity ✈ | × | × | 12 months | 12 months |
Extra bonus points ✈ | × | × | 20% extra | 25% extra |
Dedicated phone line ✈ | × | × | ✔ | ✔ |
Name change in the ticket
As a participant in the LOT Dla Firm Program, you can change the name on a ticket for an employee, available for a fee, provided that the following conditions are met:
- The program membership number was correctly entered into the reservation,
- The employee has been added to the list on the LOT for Business account,
- The company has an active account in the program and holds a Blue, Silver, or Gold status,
- The ticket is for an adult.
Fee for changing the passenger:
- In the Standard fare, passenger name changes are possible from class Q for a fee of 250 PLN.
- In the Flex fare, passenger name changes are possible in all classes for a fee of 200 PLN.
Please note that changes are only possible for flights operated by LOT.
To change the name on your ticket, contact the LOT for Business Program Service Center at
+48 22 459 62 20 (Mon-Fri, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM).
In urgent cases outside of working hours, changes can be made by calling LOT Contact Center:
+48 22 577 77 55.
Enjoy convenience and flexibility with the LOT for Business Program!
Detailed information about the program
I. General provisions
1.1. The organizer of “LOT Dla Firm” flyer programme, hereinafter referred to as the “LDF Programme”, is LOT Polish Airlines S.A., with its registered office at ul. Komitetu Obrony Robotników 43 in Warsaw (02-146), entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, 14th Commercial Division, under KRS No. 0000056844, hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer” or “PLL LOT”.
1.2. All entities authorized to participate in the LDF Programme shall be hereinafter referred to as the “Participants”. Terms and conditions of joining the LDF Programme are specified in chapter II and III hereof.
1.3. The LDF Programme is implemented by the Organizer with the participation of partners, i.e. entrepreneurs with whom the Organizer has concluded an agreement on cooperation for LDF Programme's execution, hereinafter referred to as “Marketing Partners”. The conditions of participation of each Marketing Partner in the LDF Programme are available on the LDF Programme website in the tab referring to a given Marketing Partner. The Marketing Partners shall not be entitled to file any statements or incur liabilities on behalf of the Organizer.
1.4. The LDF Programme aims at awarding the Participants for using the services of the Organizer and Marketing Partners as part of the business trips of the Participant's employees by means of accrual of points in the Participant's account, which may then be redeemed for Awards offered under the LDF Programme.
1.5. The Marketing Partner shall be entitled to contact the LDF Programme Participant provided that they give their specific consent thereto.
1.6. The LDF Programme is available on the territory of the Republic of Poland.
II. LDF Programme Participants
2.1. The LDF Programme can be joined by natural or legal persons, unincorporated organizational units which run an active and permanent business or commercial activity, as well as other social and professional organizations with their permanent registered offices in the territory of the Republic of Poland.
2.2. In the case of entrepreneurs running the activity on the basis of a civil law partnership agreement, all the shareholders of the civil law partnership will be jointly treated as the LDF Programme Participant, which means that shareholders running a business activity in the form of such a partnership cannot be members of the LDF Programme independently / separately. This principle also applies to other multi-shareholder forms of activity which is not recognized by law as separate entity.
2.3. The LDF Programme is dedicated for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs whose annual spending on air travel does not exceed PLN 150,000.00. For entrepreneurs whose annual air travel expenses exceed the limit indicated in the above-mentioned statement, PLL LOT offers a separate form of cooperation under Corporate Incentive Programme agreements, hereinafter referred to as “CIP cooperation”. Should the Programme Participant exceed the annual air travel expenses limit set at PLN 150,000.00, the PLL LOT sales agent shall negotiate with the Participant the optimal terms and conditions of CIP cooperation. Both in the case when the Participant decides to start CIP cooperation, as well as in the case when the Participant refuses such cooperation, they remain a LDF Programme Participant but their LDF Programme account shall be automatically blocked for the duration of CIP cooperation or for the time when annual air travel expenses exceed the limit of PLN 150,000.00. In such a situation, the points collected in the Participant’s account in the previous period can be redeemed for Awards as per validity thereof.
2.4. The LDF Programme may not be participated in by entities being agents in the sales of air tickets, i.e. IATA Agents, NON-IATA Agents, travel agencies, as well as owners of other companies being at the same time owners or employees of business entities connected with the travel industry.
2.5. The LDF Programme cannot be participated in by entities which have signed other agreements with PLL LOT that guarantee special terms of ticket purchase (including local and/or global CIP agreements).
III. Registration in the LDF Programme
3.1. In order to participate in the LDF Programme, it is necessary to register at the LDF Programme’s website. During the registration, the Participant is obliged to indicate the company’s name, address details, NIP and REGON numbers, as well as contact data to the Participant’s employee responsible for handling the LDF Programme, hereinafter referred to as the Account Manager.
3.2. Once the Participant is registered in the LDF Programme, an account for the Participant in the LDF Programme shall be created, with a special LF number and a password to access the account. All Points accrued for the purchase of services of the Organizer or Marketing Partners shall be registered in the LDF Programme Participant's account, pursuant to the provisions specified in Chapter V of the Rules.
3.3. After registration, each Participant shall receive a confirmation email with an LDF Programme account activation link.
3.4. The Account Owner/ Account Manager has access to all functions of the account, i.e. they have exclusive rights to manage the collection and redemption of Points, to register new employees and remove them from the list of employees participating in the Programme and to decide which rights are granted to a given employee participating in the Programme.
3.4.1. The Participant's employee participating in the Programme shall be entitled to review the account history and buy full-fare tickets.
3.5. Participation in the LDF Programme and provision of data connected with participation is completely voluntary.
3.6. Registration of participation in the LDF Programme pursuant to point 3.1 shall mean acceptance of the LDF Programme’s rules specified herein.
3.7. Only persons authorized by the Participant can act on the Participant's behalf in the LDF Programme. The Organizer reserves the right to ask the person acting in the LDF Programme on behalf of the Participant to show a document proving that such authorization to act in this scope was granted to the person.
3.8. The LDF Programme Organizer reserves the right to verify at any given time the data submitted by Participants during the registration in order to verify their completeness and authenticity, as well as the right to reject a Participant’s application for the Programme (rejection of participation) or to block a Participant’s account in the event that the information provided in the registration form should prove false.
3.9. The LDF Programme Organizer reserves the right to control, at any time, whether the Participants comply with the terms and conditions of these Rules, in particular as regards the rules of accruing points for Participant’s employees’ flights. In such a case, relevant provisions of section 9.6 of the Rules shall apply.
3.10. The Organizer shall not be obliged to notify the Participant whose application for the LDF Programme was questioned of their application having been rejected.
3.11. The Organizer informs that in the event of rejection of an application, it will not enter the data submitted by the applying entity to the LDF Programme's database. The application will be filed for evidential purposes, though.
3.12. The LDF Programme Participant is obliged to protect the LF number and access password to the LDF Programme Participant's account against any unauthorized access.
3.13. Should any suspicion arise that the Participant's LF number and password have been used by an unauthorized person, or should they be lost, stolen or made available to unauthorized third parties, the Participant should immediately notify thereof the Programme Service Centre by calling the telephone number indicated on the LDF Programme website in the Contact tab.
IV. Programme Statuses
4.1. The LDF Programme offers its Participants 4 participation statuses - START, BLUE, SILVER and GOLD.
4.2. Granting of each status in the Programme involves a specific scope of privileges. The scope of privileges for each status is provided in the Status Table available at the website of the LDF Programme.
4.3. After 12 consecutive months, the system automatically verifies the Participant's current status based on the number of Status Points collected by the Participant over the past twelve months.
4.4. The Participant may be promoted to a higher status at any time. This is verified on the basis of the Participant's air travel expenses during the last 12 months.
4.5. START STATUS - the status is granted to each Participant upon registration in the LDF Programme. It is the first level of participation in the Programme. The Participant does not have any Status Points collected yet (no PLL LOT S.A. flight has been registered yet)
4.6. BLUE STATUS - the Participant is promoted to this status at the moment of accruing Status Points for the first purchase of an air ticket. Points collected under this status are valid for 24 months.
4.7. STATUS SILVER - the Participant is promoted to this status after having collected 20 thousand Status Points for the purchase of air tickets on their account within 12 months. Points collected under this status are valid for 36 months.
4.8. STATUS GOLD - the Participant is promoted to this status after having accrued 70 thousand Status Points. Points collected under this status are valid for 36 months.
V. Accrual and type of Programme Points
5.1. Each employee of the LDF Programme Participant who participates in the collection and redemption of LDF Programme Points must be registered in the LDF Programme by the Account Owner or Account Manager.
5.2. Premium and/or Status Points are awarded in the LDF Programme.
5.2.1. Premium Points are accrued in the Participant's account for the purchase of air tickets for flights operated by PLL LOT, as well as for the purchase of hotel services and car rental, provided that these services have been booked via the LDF Programme website. Premium Points can be redeemed for Awards in the LDF Programme.
5.2.2. Status Points are accrued in the Participant's account exclusively for the purchase of air tickets for flights operated by PLL LOT. Status Points determine the Participant's status in the Programme. To achieve a given status, the number of Status Points required for this status must be collected over a 12-month period. Status Points cannot be redeemed for Awards in the LDF Programme.
5.3. The Programme Participant can check the current balance of accrued Points at any time by logging in to their LDF Programme account via the LDF Programme website at www.lotdlafirm.com.
5.4 Subject to the provisions of item of the Rules, the Organizer reserves the right to change terms and conditions of accruing Points in the LDF Programme at any time. Also, the Organizer reserves the right to change terms and conditions of accruing Points for purchasing the services of LDF Programme Marketing Partners at any time.
5.5. The points or miles accrued by the Participant in other programmes cannot be redeemed for Points in the LDF Programme unless a proper agreement is concluded between the Programme Organizer and the entity participating in another programme. Moreover, the Participant may not transfer LDF Programme Points collected in their account in the Programme to other accounts, nor can they withdraw the sum of money being an equivalent to the Points collected in the Participant’s account.
5.7. Accrual of Points for Flight
5.7.1. Points for the purchase of air tickets shall be accrued exclusively for air tickets purchased for flights operated by PLL LOT.
5.7.2. The number of Points accrued corresponds to the price of the air ticket excluding airport charges and additional charges. If the flight consists of two or more travel segments, the number of Points shall be accrued proportionately to the prices of individual segments. The price of a segment shall be calculated on the basis of distance.
5.7.3. Points for air tickets are accrued in the Participant's account after they use a ticket booked and paid beforehand.
5.7.4. For tickets booked via the LDF Programme website. The points shall be accrued automatically to the Participant's account, provided that the Participant's LF number in the LDF Programme is specified in the reservation. (LFXXXXXX).
5.7.5. For tickets purchased via www.lot.com website, one-time registration on the website and provision of data indicated in the registration form is required.
5.7.6. For tickets booked at the PLL LOT office and/or at the PLL LOT agent, the Points shall be accrued automatically to the Participant's account, provided that the Participant's LF number in the LDF Programme is specified in the reservation. The Participant is the only entity liable for misquotation of the participation number in the Programme to the person making the booking.
5.7.7. Points that were not automatically added to the Participant's account may accrued in the Participant's account in the period of 6 months beginning on the date of the flight via the LDF Programme website in the “Add missing flight” tab. Tickets shall be cleared within 10 days from the date of registration on the LDF Programme website. If, despite reporting a flight, Points are not accrued within the time limit specified below, the Participant may report the fact of flight by e-mail, to which an electronic ticket and invoice shall be attached, and send it to the e-mail address: lotdlafirm@lot.pl.
5.7.8. No Points shall be accrued for the ticket:
· unused, returned or illegally acquired;
· used for charter flight or code-shareticket;
· purchased at a special discount fare or group fare, except for group bookings for companies specified by sales representatives/class G;
· given as an award;
· given free of charge.
5.7.9. Moreover, Points shall not be accrued for certain booking classes and for upgraded class of the flight and/or services for which the Participant receives benefits as part of other promotion or incentive programmes they participate in.
5.7.10 Premium and Status Points shall be accrued for selected Additional Services under a ticket booked by a Program Participant or issued as a reward in accordance with these Rules. Detailed rules of accrual are available in the Terms&Conditions - Premium Points for Ancillaries.
5.8. Accrual of Points for Hotels
5.8.1 Points for the purchase of hotel services shall only be accrued for hotel reservations made via the LDF Programme website. Points will be accrued in the Participant's account after the hotel booking has been fully completed. Points shall not be accrued for bookings not used in full or used only in part, returned or made against applicable law.
5.8.2. For hotel booking made via the LDF Programme website, Premium Points shall be accrued according to the conversion rate of 2 PLN = 1 Premium Point.
5.8.3. Points accrued for a used hotel booking shall be credited to the Participant's account within 30 days from the date of the use of the full hotel booking.
5.9. Accrual of Points for Car rental
5.9.1. Points for car rental shall only be accrued for car rental service purchased via the LDF Programme website. Points shall be accrued in the Participant's account after the use of the service. Points shall not be accrued for bookings not used in full or used only in part, returned or made against applicable law.
5.9.2. For one car rental service booking made via the LDF Programme website 500 Premium Points shall be accrued.
5.9.3 Points accrued for the purchase of car rental service shall be credited to the Participant's account within 30 days from the date of the use of the service.
5.10. Accrual of Points for using START Parking parking lots5.10.1 Points for the reservation of parking spaces shall only be accrued for reservations made via the LDF Program website. Points will be accrued in the Participant's account after the parking spot reservation has been fully completed. Points shall not be accrued for reservations not used in full or used only in part, returned or made against applicable law.
5.10.2. For parking spot reservation made at START Parking via the LDF Program website, Premium Points shall be accrued according to the conversion rate of 2 PLN = 1 Premium Point.
5.10.3. Points accrued for a used parking spot reservation shall be credited to the Participant's account within 30 days from the date of the end of use of the reserved parking spot.
5.11. Accrual of Points for Travel Insurance
5.11.1 Points for the purchase of travel insurance are only accrued for insurance purchased together with a ticket through the LDF Program website or lot.com website. Points will be credited to the Participant's account after the completion of the entire journey. Points will not be awarded for insurance: unused in whole or used only partially, refunded, or purchased in violation of applicable law.
5.11.2 The appropriate amount of Premium Points will be credited for insurance according to the conversion rate of 2 PLN = 1 Premium Point.
5.11.3 Points awarded for completed insurance will be registered in the Participant's account within 30 days from the date of completion of the journey.VI. Redemption of Premium Points
6.1. The Participant may redeem the points collected in the LDF Programme account for Awards provided that the balance in the Participant’s account indicates the value necessary to obtain the selected Award.
6.2. Premium Points not redeemed for Awards shall be cancelled after a minimum of 24 months from the date of the used flight or hotel service or car rental. The LDF Programme Participant may always check the Points’ expiry date in the individual account of the LDF Programme Participant.
6.3. Awards offered by the Organizer in the LDF Programme, together with the number of Premium Points necessary to obtain individual Awards, are announced on the LDF Programme website - www.lotdlafirm.com in the “Redeem Points” tab. The rules for redeeming Premium Points for Awards in the LDF Programme are available in the regulations for each award available on the LDF Programme website in the Redeem Points tab.
6.4. Subject to the provisions VI item, the Organizer reserves the right to change terms and conditions of using the Awards in the LDF Programme at any time.
6.5. Booking Awards in the LDF Programme
6.5.1. Awards LDF Programme can be booked on the LDF Programme website after logging in to the LF account in the Redeem Points tab.
6.5.2. Upon placing an order for the Award, the number of Premium Points corresponding to the ordered Award shall be blocked in the Participant’s account. Points shall be subtracted from the Participant’s account once an employee of the Programme Service Centre has approved the ordered Award. If the Award cannot be approved, the Points shall be returned to the Participant’s account, and the Participant shall be notified immediately of the situation and the causes thereof.
6.7. Return of Awards included in the Programme is made in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions related to a given Award, which can be found on the Programme website - www.lotdlafirm.com.
6.8. Availability of Awards may differ depending on the date, season and route. Certain Awards may be unavailable in some periods.
6.9. For Awards in the form of services offered by Marketing Partners, regulations related to provision of a given service by a given Marketing Partner shall apply for the use thereof.
6.10. The Participant may order Awards as a gift for any third person. The indicated person is thus entitled to use the Award in the form of a service, they do not become a LDF Programme Participant, though. The Participant shall remain the beneficiary of the Award given in the LDF Programme.
6.11. Participants may not redeem Awards offered in the LDF Programme for other Awards or cash.
6.2. Flight Awards
6.2.1. Flight Awards are issued only for flights operated by PLL LOT, excluding charter flights and code-share type connections.
6.2.1. Flight Awards may be booked in LOT Economy Class, LOT Premium Economy Class, and/or LOT Business Class.
6.2.2. The order for a Flight Award must be placed no later than 3 days before the date of the journey and no earlier than 6 months before the date of the journey. It is possible to issue the Flight Award for flight for which the airport where the journey begins is different from the airport where the journey ends, provided that they are located in the same country.
6.2.3. It is possible to change the time and date of the flight before the journey; however, it is subject to the availability of seats for particular flights. The first change of booking is free of charge. Each subsequent change one is subject to a handling charge of PLN 150 for a domestic ticket and PLN 250 for an international ticket.
6.2.4. The travel route must not be changed.
6.2.5. Bookings can only be changed within the business hours of the LDF Programme Service Centre.
6.2.6. The journey made based on the Flight Award under the LDF Programme is subject to general carriage terms and conditions of the operator handling the flight.
6.3. Flight class upgrade award
6.3.1. The upgrade award concerns only one segment of the flight. At the same time, the original ticket to be upgraded must be issued before the flight class upgrade request is filed. Moreover, all the segments of the flight must be confirmed. Flight class upgrade does not influence the tariff conditions of the original ticket.
6.3.2. The order for the flight class upgrade Award for a PLL LOT ticket must be placed no later than 3 days before the date of the flight and no earlier than 6 months before the date of the flight.
6.4. Ordering of the remaining Awards included in the LDF Programme is made in accordance with applicable terms and conditions related to a given Award, which can be found at the LDF Programme website.
VII. Abuse and prohibited activities
7.1. It is prohibited to register in the LDF Programme as well as to collect and redeem points in the LDF Programme by entities which are not authorized to participate in the LDF Programme in compliance with section II of the Rules. Furthermore, redeeming Points registered in a Participant Account which have been collected against the provisions hereof shall be prohibited under the LDF Programme.
7.2. Selling, exchanging, auctioning or concluding any other commercial transaction in connection with the documents constituting awards in the LDF Programme with third parties shall be prohibited. No arrangements can be made in relation to the method of purchase or sale of Points or Awards, transfer of Points or unauthorized purchase of Points. Moreover, Awards and/or the documents connected therewith must not be used illegally.
7.3. Should an abuse connected with obtaining Awards by the Participant be identified, the Organizer reserves the right to perform a retrospective calculation of the actual price of the Award and charge these costs to the Participant who breached the provisions of these Rules, irrespective of the Points having been redeemed.
7.4. Should the Award be ordered on the basis of illegally accrued Points and the Participant Account balance after deducting the illegally accrued Points should be insufficient for payment for the ordered Award, the Organizer reserves the right to demand from the Participant the payment of compensation in the amount of the equivalent of the missing Points.
7.5. Should the Participant commit abuse or take prohibited actions referred to in sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the Rules, the Organizer reserves the right to block or forfeit documents related to the Awards and to refuse to issue the Awards or to recognize points accrued by the Participant. Furthermore, the provision above shall not violate the Organizer’s right to pursue further claims from the LDF Programme Participant, including compensation claims.
VIII. Liability of the Organizer
8.1. The Organizer shall not be liable for services provided by LDF Programme Marketing Partners, in particular for due and proper provision of these services. In the case of services provided by Marketing Partners, the terms and conditions for provision of services of a given Marketing Partner shall apply.
8.2. The LDF Programme Organizer shall not be liable for the Participants filling in the application form incorrectly or for the consequences of subsequent change of the data and information provided in the participation application, in particular for inability to contact the Participant or grant an Award to the Participant.
8.3. The LDF Programme Organizer shall not be liable for any damage incurred by Participants in connection with actions of persons who gained unauthorized access to the Participant’s LF ID number and password.
8.4. The Organizer shall not be liable for any errors in accruing points to the LDF Programme Participant’s account that are due to the Participant’s use of an incorrect ID number or other details under the LDF Programme.
8.5. The Organizer shall not be liable for any damage caused to a Participant in relation to the participation in the LDF Programme if such a damage was not done on purpose by the Organizer, its subcontractors or their employees.
8.6. The liability of the Organizer towards the Participant shall be limited to the value of the Award that the Participant is entitled to.
IX. Termination of participation in the Programme
9.1. The Participant may at any time resign from the participation in the LDF Programme by sending to the Organizer a declaration on the resignation from further participation in the LDF Programme with immediate effect.
9.2. Should the Participant be a natural person conducting business activity, their participation in the LDF Programme is also terminated on the date of discontinuation of their business activity.
9.3. Should the Participant not be a natural person, their participation in the LDF Programme is also terminated on the date of filing an application for bankruptcy or as of winding up.
9.4. The Account Manager shall immediately remove from the list of employees participating in the LDF Programme an employee who ceased to be an employee of the Participant.
9.5 The Organizer shall have the right to exclude a Participant from the LDF Programme if no points are credited to the Participant’s account within 12 consecutive months. After this time, the Participant may register for the LDF Programme once again.
9.6. The LDF Programme Organizer may exclude a Participant from the LDF Programme with immediate effect if:
· the Participant or Participant’s employees, for whose flights points are accrued in the LDF Programme or individuals who use the services - Awards in the LDF Programme do not comply with the provisions hereof;
· the Participant provides wrong/incorrect data in the LDF Programme registration form,
· the Participant's employees fail to comply with the general terms and conditions of carriage of passengers and luggage applicable in PLL LOT;
· the Participant commits abuse or takes prohibited actions referred to in section VII of the Rules;
· the Participant or Participant’s employees, for whose flights points are accrued in the LDF Programme or individuals who use the services - Awards in the LDF Programme do not comply with the personnel's orders/instructions, especially on board aircraft or in business lounges.
9.6.1. Exclusion of the Participant from the LDF Programme for the reasons listed in section 9.6 above does not rule out the possibility of lodging further claims, in particular compensation claims, by the Organizer.
9.6.2. Should the Participant be excluded from the LDF Programme due to the reasons specified in section 9.6, the Participant's account is closed immediately, and the accrued Points which have not been redeemed for awards until the account was closed are cancelled.
9.7. In the case of doubts regarding compliance of a Participant’s actions with the provisions hereof, the Organizer may request that the LDF Programme Participant provide an explanation within 7 days, with the reservation that the Participant’s failure to respond shall result in the Participant’s account being blocked until the doubts in question have been explained. The Participant shall not be entitled to file any claims in connection with their Account being blocked.
9.7.1. In the event that the Participant’s explanation should confirm the Participant’s failure to comply with the provisions hereof, the Organizer shall have the right to exclude the Participant from the Programme with immediate effect and close the Participant’s account.
9.8. Should the Participant be excluded from the Programme by the Organizer, such Participant shall not be permitted to participate in it again.
X. Complaint procedure
10.1. Complaints under the LDF Programme can be submitted in writing to the Organizer’s address: lotdlafirm@lot.pl .10.2. Only the Account Owner or Account Manager shall have the right to submit Complaint.
10.3. Complaints should include the Participant’s data, detailed address and contact telephone number, as well as detailed description and indication of the cause of complaint.
10.4. Complaints shall be handled by the Organizer within 30 days following the day on which they are delivered to the Organizer.
10.5. The Participant shall be informed about the Organizer’s decision by email. The Organizer’s decision regarding complaints shall be final and binding.
XI. Accounting documentation
11.1. The invoice for full-fare tickets purchased at www.lotdlafirm.com will be issued automatically to the company contact details provided on the LOT Dla Firm profile.11.2. In order to obtain the invoice for the Flight Award in which airport charges were paid with a credit card, one should contact the Programme Service Centre.
11.2.1. Data for the invoice will be used in accordance with the data provided in the profile of the Participant registered in the Programme.
XII. Duration of the Programme
12.1. The Programme began on 15 February 2006 and will be in progress until further notice by the Organizer, pursuant to the provisions set out in the Rules.12.2. The Programme may be suspended or terminated by the Organizer at any given time. The Organizer shall inform about termination of the Programme not later than 30 days prior to the termination.
12.3. Participants shall have the right to redeem the collected Points for awards within 6 months following the day of termination of the Programme. After this period, the Points shall be cancelled.
XIII. Personal data protection
13.1. The controller of personal data of a Participant who is a natural person conducting business activity or a partner in a civil partnership, as well as the personal data of an employee of a Participant who is the Programme Participant Account's Owner or Manager and an employee of the Programme Participant are Polskie Linie Lotnicze LOT S.A. (LOT Polish Airlines) with its registered seat in Warsaw (02-146 Warszawa), ul. Komitetu Obrony Robotników 43. The organizer can be contacted in writing at the address of the registered office, at the e-mail address: lotdlafirm@lot.plor by phone, calling the number + 48 22 459 62 20.
13.2 The Organizer has appointed a Data Protection Officer to be contacted in all matters relating to the processing of personal data of LOT Dla Firm Programme Participants via e-mail: iod@lot.pl or in writing at the address of the Organizer's registered office.
13.3. The LOT Dla Firm Programme Participant shall provide the Organizer with its own personal data - if it is a natural person conducting business activity or a partner in a civil partnership - unless it is represented in the Programme by a Manager, who is an employee of the Participant, in the form of name and surname, business e-mail address and business phone number. The Manager of the LOT Dla Firm Programme Participant shall provide the Organizer with its own personal data consisting of the name and surname, business e-mail address and business phone number. The Employee of the LOT Dla Firm Programme Participant shall provide the Organizer with its own personal data consisting of the name and surname, business e-mail address and business phone number. Provision of the above-mentioned data shall be entirely voluntary; however, it is necessary for the Organizer to be able to carry out the Programme.
13.4. The Programme Participant who is a natural person conducting business activity or a partner in a civil partnership, as well as the Participant’s employee who is the Programme Participant Account's Owner and/or the Participant’s employee participating in the Programme may agree to receive promotional and commercial materials from the Organizer, the Programme Marketing Partners and the Organizer’s commercial partners via electronic means of communication at the email addresses and business and/or private phone numbers indicated on the registration form. Such consent shall not be a precondition necessary for the Participant and/or Participant’s employee to join the Programme.
13.5. The Programme Participant who is a natural person conducting business activity or a partner in a civil partnership, as well as the Participant’s employee who is the Programme Participant's Manager and/or the Participant’s employee participating in the Programme may agree to receive marketing materials from the Organizer via telecommunications terminal equipment and automated calling systems at the email addresses and phone numbers indicated on the registration form. Such consent shall not be a precondition necessary for the Participant and/or Participant’s employee to join the Programme.
13.6. The consents referred to in item 3 above shall be made by way of checking the appropriate fields on the application form during the process of registration for the Programme or in the Programme Participant’s account in the “Consents” tab. The consent can be revoked at any given time. In order to do so, the Participant should log in to his or her account in the Programme, open the “Consents” tab and uncheck the field for the granted consent or contact the Organizer by calling +48 22 459 62 20.
13.7 The Organizer shall process personal data for the following purposes:
13.7.1 exercising the rights and obligations of the Organizer related to participation in the LOT Dla Firm Programme (including in connection with the provision of selected services), in connection with their indispensability to the execution of the Programme, if the Programme Participant is a natural person, or on the basis of a legitimate interest, if the Programme Participant is a legal person;
13.7.2 sending a newsletter to the provided email address, which includes a current offer of the LOT Dla Firm Programme, information of newly introduced promotions and services, organized events and competitions as well as special based on the legitimate interest of the Organizer consisting in direct marketing of services and own products;
13.7.3 make phone calls to the provided telephone number, for the purpose of marketing products and services offered by the Organizer based on the legitimate interest of the Organizer;
13.7.4 sending to the e-mail address provided a newsletter concerning Organizer’s business partners that includes current offer, information on promotions and services introduced to the market, organized events, competitions and special offers based on the legitimate interest of the Organizer entailing a direct marketing of services and products of other entities;
13.7.5 make phone calls to the provided telephone number, for the purpose of marketing products and services offered by the business partners of the Organizer, based on the legitimate interest of the Organizer;
13.7.6 statistical, analytical and reporting purposes based on a legitimate interest of the controller, i.e. improving the quality of services and adapting them to the needs of the Users;
13.7.7 accounting, bookkeeping and tax purposes related to the execution of legal obligations of the Organizer;
13.7.8 possible determination, investigation or defence against claims on the basis of the legitimate interest of the controller, i.e. the protection of information in the event of a legal need to prove the facts.
13.8 Personal data of the Programme Participants may be transferred to:
13.8.1 entities related by capital with the Organizer,
13.8.2 entities involved in execution of selected awards (e.g. hotels, restaurants),
13.8.3 entities providing the Organizer with selected services related to the execution of the Programme (accounting, legal, marketing, IT services - to an extent necessary to provide such services).
13.9 The Organizer shall store the personal data of LOT Dla Firm Programme Participants:
13.9.1 in order to exercise rights and obligations resulting from the Programme – until the date of expiry of possible claims due to the execution of the Programme (no longer than for 6 years from the date of termination of the agreement concerning participation on the Programme).
13.9.2 in order to send commercial information to the given email address or telephone contact to the provided telephone number – no longer than until the moment of withdrawal of the consent to send commercial information / object to the processing of personal data for the purposes of direct marketing,
13.9.3 for statistical, analytical and reporting purposes – 5 years,
13.9.4 for bookkeeping purposes – until the day the financial statements for the trade year are approved;
13.9.5 for tax purposes – no longer than a period of 5 years from the end of the calendar year during which the tax obligation arose.
13.10 In relation to participation in the Programme, the Participants are entitled to the following rights exercised through contact with the Organizer via any communication channel indicated in items 13.1 and 13.2 above:
13.10.1 right to access the contents of personal data by requiring sharing or sending a copy of personal data package processed by the Organizer;
13.10.2 right to require rectification of personal data through indication of incorrect personal data the Programme Participant is subject to,
13.10.3 right to erase personal data; The Organizer has the right to refuse to erase data in cases specified by law;
13.10.4 right to restrict the processing of personal data by indicating which data ought to be limited in terms of processing,
13.10.5 right for portability of personal data by requesting preparation and transfer of personal data by the Organizer which were transferred by the Participant to the Organizer or other administrator, in a structured, commonly used format in a machine readable form; only data obtained on the basis of a consent are subject to portability,
13.10.6 right to object to processing of personal data based on the legitimate interest of the controller on grounds relating to a particular situation or to object to processing of personal data based on the legitimate interest of the controller for the purposes of direct marketing,
13.10.7 file a complaint to a supervisory authority, in particular in a member state of its habitual residence, workplace or place of alleged infringement, should the Participant claim that processing of his/her personal data infringes the provisions of the GDPR.
13.11 Provision of personal data by the Participant that are marked as obligatory is necessary solely for the purposes of:
13.11.1 deliver services within the scope of the LOT Dla Firm Programme,
13.11.2 addressing to the Participant the messages regarding the current offer, validity of the points, information of newly introduced promotions and services, organized events and competitions and special offers by the Organizer and its business partners under the LOT Dla Firm Programme.
13.12 Information clause of the Organizer in relation to participation in the LOT Dla Firm Programme is available in the Data protection tab.
XIV. Final Provisions
14.1. The Organizer reserves the right to change the provisions hereof and the rules of the Programme set out in the remaining materials, while the change must not breach the rights acquired by the Participants before the change. Information about the change of the Rules will be published at the LDF Programme website not later than 2 weeks before the changes in the Rules are to become effective.
14.2. This Programme and any obligations hereunder shall be governed by provisions of the Polish law.
14.3. Any disputes resulting from performance of obligations connected with the Programme shall be settled by the court competent for the Organizer’s registered office.
14.4. In the event that any of the provisions hereof should be deemed ineffective by the court, this fact shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
14.5. The Polish version of these Rules shall prevail for the purposes of their interpretation.
14.6. To the extent to which these Rules provide for it, the Partners’ rights and obligations have been set out in the Partners’ regulations.
14.7. Any marketing materials concerning the Programme shall be used for information purposes only.
14.8. The Rules are available on the Programme website .
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