Gift Voucher

Golden envelope in a box.

Give the Gift of Travel with a Gift Voucher! Fill out a short form to order a voucher and bring joy to someone special. Quick, convenient, and all from the comfort of your home!

How to Purchase a Gift Voucher?

  1. Fill out the form below or use one of the other purchase method.
  2. Within 72 hours, you will receive an email from our Contact Center with instructions on how to complete the payment.
  3. Once the payment is made, you will receive the voucher, which will become active after 24 hours.

How to Redeem a Gift Voucher?

The recipient can redeem the Gift Voucher by contacting our Contact Center. Details can be found in the Terms and Conditions.

The Gift Voucher is valid for 24 months from the date of issuance.

Kup Voucher Podarunkowy

Skorzystaj z poniższego formularza, aby zamówić voucher w kilku prostych krokach.

Wszystkie pola obowiązkowe zostały oznaczone (*)

Poprawność danych

Przetwarzamy Twoje dane osobowe w celu wyjaśnienia okoliczności zgłoszonej przez Ciebie sprawy lub udzielenia Ci odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie. Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest PLL LOT S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie. Przysługuje Ci prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu, prawo dostępu do danych, prawo żądania ich sprostowania, ich usunięcia lub ograniczenia ich przetwarzania. Szczegółowe informacje na temat przetwarzania Twoich danych osobowych.

Complete the form below to easily order a voucher in just a few steps.

All mandatory fields are marked with (*)

Fill in the contact details

Fill in the Gift Voucher details

Correctness of data

We process your personal data to investigate the circumstances of the issue reported by you or to respond to your question The controller of your data is PLL LOT S.A. with registered seat in Warsaw. You have the right to submit an objection, the right of access to data, the right to demand the correction of, the removal of, or a restriction of the scope of processing of your data. Details about the processing of your personal data .

Frequently Asked Questions

  1.  Where and How to Purchase a Gift Voucher?    
    • By filling out the form.
    • By contacting our Contact Center.
    • By visiting LOT sales offices located at airports in Warsaw, Gdańsk, Katowice, Krakow, Poznań, Rzeszów, Radom, and Wrocław.
    • At the LOT city sales office in Warsaw: Al. Jerozolimskie 65/79, LIM Center.
  2. What Can I Use the Gift Voucher For?
    • The value of the Gift Voucher can be used to purchase a LOT flight ticket or additional services.
  3. What Value Can I Choose for the Gift Voucher?
    • You can purchase a Gift Voucher for any amount of your choice. A confirmation of your Gift Voucher order, along with the voucher and payment details, will be sent to the email address you provide.