Optimisation and improvement of flight operations

In recent years, we have taken steps to change our internal procedures, including the introduction of a single-engine taxiing procedure after landing and the optimisation of flight routes. Thanks to our innovative approach we reduce our carbon footprint every year.
Our activities
The actions of our pilots have key impact on increasing fuel efficiency, which is why their active involvement is so important. The implementation of environment-friendly procedures and educational activities are made possible, among other things, through a dedicated fuel efficiency management platform.
The Airport Briefing Sheet is a tool that gives crews access to the detailed real-time data to better prepare for flights and plan the right amount of fuel for a flight. With Personalised Fuel Statistics covering selected fuel policy initiatives, pilots can determine what results their decisions are producing. Regular meetings of the college of Instructors also help to improve piloting skills.
Fleet Heads periodically communicate the information on recommendations and ways of performing flight operations with a focus on fuel efficiency is communicated to our Crews. Fleet Heads are continually in touch with the Fuel Department responsible for the work of the Fuel Efficiency Committee.
The Committee consists of a team of individuals representing various sections and functional areas. The work of the Committee focuses on the identification and implementation of initiatives and solutions to improve fuel efficiency. Each activity suggestion is subject to strict verification and risk assessment.
The Committee carries out a number of additional initiatives to reduce the negative impact on the environment more effectively. These include active cooperation with the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, aviation fuel suppliers and the IT industry.
Reducing fuel consumption by taxiing on one engine after landing for the Embraer and Boeing 737 aircraft fleet. The application of this procedure depends on the characteristics of the airport concerned, the location and shape of the taxiways, the weight of the aircraft, the taxiing time and the engine cooling time.
Improving the inflow of EZFW (Estimated Zero Fuel Weight) messages, which contain data on the un-fuelled weight of the aircraft including data on the number of passengers, baggage, mail and cargo into the flight planning system used, among other things, to determine the required amount of fuel for the flight. The efficient and timely despatch of the messages allows the required fuel per flight to be calculated accurately, thereby reducing over-fuelling with a positive effect on fuel consumption during the flight.
Monitoring APU use after landing and during parking. The APU is an additional energy source that provides power in the aircraft when the engines are shut down. At Warsaw Chopin Airport, we use a fast current procedure to reduce CO2 emissions on the ground.
We are joining forces with aircraft and engine manufacturers to work on solutions for more efficient fuel consumption.
We are reducing the weight of aircraft masses by reducing unnecessary supplies carried on board aircraft. We are saving more than 300 tons of fuel per year through measures such as removing paper presses, replacing catering carts with lighter ones, and introducing the electronic flight bag (EFB).
Additional activities in cargo sector
We base air cargo transportation by road on the use of the latest generation of vehicles, which reduces CO2 emissions. Our carriers have modern fleets of vehicles (vans and trucks). Modern fleet directly translates into lower fuel consumption and emissions, compared to older generation cars. In addition, our subcontractors are obliged to provide a fleet that meets the conditions of the EURO VI standard, which regulates the permissible levels of exhaust fumes produced by vehicles in the European Union.
Our RFS route network is built in such a way that loading and unloading operations are carried out with fuel consumption in mind, and the distance is as short as possible to be traveled. Before registering a cargo on the RFS, we check the weight and volume of the cargo, and then look for opportunities to combine it for the trip with cargo to/from other airports. In order for the transport to be made in a given relation we consolidate the cargo so that the total weight is at least 500 kg. Such a system allows us to minimize emissions.
What is RFS (Road Feeder Service)?
Contrary to what you might think, not all air cargo can be transported by plane for the entire distance of the planned trip. At such times, we use our Road Feeder Serivice (RFS) alternate transportation network, consisting of trucks with a permissible cargo weight of 1,000 to 24,000 kilograms.