Unknown Slovakia – little frequented places which are worth visiting

Are you dreaming of some little frequented, unknown places in Slovakia? Go ahead! You can find an amazing gem in every corner of this small country.
Thursday and Saturday in Spiš
Spiš is a very popular region. You are likely to know Levoča or Spiš Castle, which are among Slovakia's greatest attractions. Meanwhile, there are many more treasures there! For example, the village of Spišský Štvrtok (Spiš Thursday), where you will discover the chapel of the Zapolya Family (or the Turzo Family – the matter remains unsettled), an outstanding work of Gothic art; or the town of Spišská Sobota (Spiš Saturday) with its charming spindle-shaped market place surrounded by Renaissance townhouses, a church with an altarpiece by Paul of Levoča and a Renaissance-Baroque bell tower with an attic. Relish the beauty and idyllic atmosphere of provincial towns which are packed with lovely buildings!

Are you dreaming of a town where time has stopped for a while? If yes, then you must visit Bardejov. It is cosy and provincial, and yet dignified – you will be looked at by old townhouses in characteristic pastel colours which were the towns men's pride in days gone by. Bardejov's Old Town features in the UNESCO World Heritage List for a good reason, although the small number of tourists visiting it would suggest that it is rather among little known, or completely unknown, sites in Slovakia.
Stará Ľubovňa
Remember to visit Stará Ľubovňa! It is another charming and graceful town in Spiš , where a pleasant market square is accompanied by a beautiful and important castle with history dating back to the 14th century. Ľubovňa is closely related with Poland, as the town and its neighbourhood were once part of the so-called Spiš pledge. It is also where an agreement had been signed between Sigismund of Luxembourg and Władysław Jagiełło, as a result of which the property was owned by, among others, the Lubomirski and Zamojski families for as long as until the 20th century. When in Ľubovňa, take time to visit the heritage park, a great example of the local building tradition.
Trenčín is another town with a castle! The picturesque fortress rises straight from the rock that dominates the town. You will catch that beautiful view from afar! The construction of the castle started in the 11th century. It survived turbulent times and repulsed various attacks, but started to fall in disrepair in the 18th century. When in Trenčín proper, pop into the town centre, especially the pleasant market square.

Banská Štiavnica
The town of Banská Štiavnica is among Slovakia's less known attractions which would rather not cross your mind if you thought about this country of mountains and magnificent views. Once famous for gold and silver mining, it must be nostalgic for the good old days. It is worth visiting, mainly for its very interesting Museum of Mining, which has several locations (the most interesting of which is the one outdoors), and a very nice and atmospheric Old Town with two market squares and as many as two castles!
When searching for small and atmospheric towns, do not forget Kremnica. With a population of only 6,000 today, it used to be a far more important town, as it had a mint that produced coins for the Kingdom of Hungary. Today, you can visit Kremnica's Museum of Coins and Medals and roam its Old Town full of charming alleys and historic monuments, notably the town's castle.
Even if you have explored Bratislava well, you might have overlooked the Devin Castle. Indeed, tourists tend to focus their attention on the fortress in the city centre and often give this one a miss. Pity, because the imposing Devin Castle sits on a rock where the Morava River flows into the Danube. Visit this site for its history and beautiful landscape.
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