Women traveling while pregnant
There are no contraindications to traveling by plane if your pregnancy does not have complications;. However, we recommend consulting your doctor, particularly before a long flight.

Women up to the 32nd week of pregnancy may travel with the consent of their doctor without the need for a special document.
When should the MEDIF form be completed?
- in case of a pregnancy with complications and/or twins, triplets, etc.,
- after the 32nd week of pregnancy.
Zaświadczenie MEDIF musi być wypełnione przez lekarza na mniej niż 14 dni przed rozpoczęciem podróży. W przypadku zakupu biletu w obie strony z pobytem dłuższym niż 2 tygodnie, należy przygotować kolejne zaświadczenie na powrót.
A medical examination form must be completed by a doctor less than 14 days before the start of the trip. This means in the event of a round trip with a stay over 14 days, another medical examination form must be provided for the return trip sections.
The MEDIF FORM should be submitted to the airline no later than 72 hours before your planned flight.