What should I do if my baggage is delayed or missing?

If, upon arrival, you notice that your baggage is missing from the conveyor belt, you must immediately report this fact and complete a claim report. You will receive an official PIR-Property Irregularity Report receipt with a reference number (e.g. WAWLO 10123). Keep this document until your claim has been resolved. On the document, you will find contact information for the Lost & Found office, which will begin the search process immediately. You may contact the Lost & Found office at any time to check the status of your search.
We make every effort to have your baggage delivered to you as soon as possible. However, if your baggage has not been located within 5 days of your request, please contact us. Our Baggage Search Office is responsible for the secondary search process:
LOT Polish Airlines S.A.
Central Baggage Tracing Office
Warsaw-Okęcie International Airport
ul. Żwirki i Wigury 1
00-906 Warszawa
Fax: +48 22 650-25-54
e-mail: poszukiwanie.bagazu@lot.pl
Also provide an accurate list of the contents of your baggage in order to continue the detailed search procedure. Use the Baggage Questionnaire (list of contents). Print the document, fill it out and send it to the Central Baggage Search Office. The details of the detailed appearance of your baggage and its contents will assist in the further process. Once your baggage has been located, we will deliver it at our own expense to the address indicated on the record. When contacting us, please remember to quote the PIR reference number (e.g.: WAWLO 10123) and/or the baggage tag number (e.g.: LO 123456).