The United Kingdom for two – 8 places for a romantic weekend

Similarly to other attractions, romantic places in the United Kingdom have a tremendously wide representation. You could spend each weekend in the Isles and you would not see all of them. Indeed, it is a land of poets and painters, waves crashing against cliffs, slightly wild woods and ravines, fields full of flowers, idyllic villages and atmospheric towns. The choice is wide!
Fancy a romantic walk with a bit of a thrill? If you feel like spending time in the wild in a slightly dark mood, you must visit Puzzlewood near Gloucestershire. Impressive old woods with often intricate root system, moss-covered rock formations, various caverns and caves – sounds mysterious and fascinating? And it really is, which is best evidenced by the fact that it is where Tolkien himself found inspiration to create Middle-Earth for his iconic work The Lord of the Rings.
Romantic sites in the United Kingdom undeniably include the tree tunnel in West Sussex. The beauty of that place seems almost surreal. You must go for a walk there, especially in the autumn, when its unique shape is accompanied by amazing colours.

Dark Hedges
If you like the tunnel, then the Isles have another natural attraction in a similar style! It is an alley along which King James Stuart planted around 150 trees in the 18th century. The road that once led to his residence was used in the 21st century as a set for HBO's Game of Thrones.
Tu Hwnt i’r Bont Tearooms
A weekend for two in the United Kingdom would not be complete without traditional British tea. If you feel like taking it in a unique place, and have some delicious Welsh pastries to that, you can go to e.g. the Tu Hwnt i’r Bont Tea Rooms in Wales. You will see a view like from a fairy tale illustration. Surrounded by idyllic nature on the shore of a river, there is a five centuries old brick house which is almost completely covered with Virginia creeper – in the summer, its leaves are intensively green, while in the autumn intensively red. The site could easily become a scenery for a fairy tale or a romantic film.
Lindisfarne Island
If you wish to escape from the hustle and bustle of the world around you, then you must go to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, a tidal island at the north-east coast of England. With a permanent population of only 150, it is is almost completely deserted. It is not a popular tourist attraction, so you will find some peace and quiet, as well as beautiful views and an interesting historic monument. Since the coast was once exposed to attacks from the sea (it is where the Vikings are said to have carried out their first attack!), a mighty castle was built there in the 16th century to ensure security. Fans of cinema will be attracted by the fact that it is where Roman Polański shot some scenes for his Cul-de-sac in 1966.

Lake District National Park
The Lake District is a popular, albeit immensely romantic, place. Protected by a national park, it has some stunning water areas and majestic mountains, including England's tallest summit Scafell Pike (978 m a.s.l.). Imagine wonderfully intact nature which is so charming that it has for a long time inspired many painters and poets. Particularly artists of the Romanticism era would come there to seek inspiration. That place must have a special aura around it then, thanks to which you will have some memorable romantic moments.
Titanic Belfast
Did you like the story of the "unsinkable" Titanic? A romantic tale of love between two people from different social classes? If yes, the you must visit the amazing modernistic structure that stands on the site of the home shipyard of the world's most famous ship. You will learn about Titanic's history and see lots of memorabilia connected with the making and the tragic journey of the vessel.
If you are going to spend a romantic weekend in the United Kingdom, you must definitely visit that charming corner of England. It is a mild range of limestone mountains interspersed with charming villages with stone houses, interesting historic monuments like the neo-Gothic Broadway Tower, and pastures with grazing sheep. You can go there in the summer, but the place is gorgeous also in the autumn. When there, you will certainly unwind, have contact with nature and local culture, try some local products and spend nights in stone boarding houses. On top of that, you will have long leisurely walks in the beautiful natural setting.
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