Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner

We want the flight and the destination to be a pleasure. It is especially important to arrive at your destination well rested, just like a good night's sleep in your own bed. Our intercontinental flights including Mumbai, Delhi, New York, Chicago, Toronto, Seoul, Los Angeles and Tokyo, are serviced by the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is the most modern plane in the world, revolutionizing air flight in terms of passenger comfort and passenger-friendly solutions.
From the technical point of view, the Dreamliner is a revolution in the history of aviation. This two-engine, wide-body jet is comprised of 50% composite materials. Because of the design it is lighter, consumes less fuel and has a longer range.
The composite design also introduced advanced solutions for increase flight comfort, not to be compared with any other airplane. It is worth emphasizing the pressure inside the Dreamliner is comparable to Kasprowy Wierch Mountain (ca. 1,900 m), while in standard airplanes the pressure reaches that at Rysy Mountain (2,400 m). It also reduces the effect of the altitude sickness, dizziness and nausea, and combined with 8% more oxygen, higher humidity and better air filtration, it reduces the feeling of tiredness. A significant role in this is also played by what is called Ellectronically Dimmable Windows. EWD technology utilizes intelligent, electrochromatic materials, so that amount of light passing from outside can be controlled at a press of a button - both by passengers and crew, in order to help Your day-night rhytm during long flights.
The unique structure of the wings with elevated tips permits reduced air resistance. All of these solutions allow long-distance flights to proceed without additional turbulences and intermediate stops, while saving precious time for our passengers.
A dream come true on the Boeing 787-9 are the large windows. The Dreamliner windows have the size comparable with hand luggage – 27 x 47 cm – and are 30% larger than in other passenger airplanes. Additionally, their location allows the passengers to see the horizon. Can there be anything more soothing during a sky flight? The enhancements do not end there, the Dreamliner is equipped with special LED lighting allowing the intensity and color to be changed. A meaningful addition to long intercontinental flights, which allows passengers to feel noticeably less affected by the time zone changes. Let's add to it a wide cabin and large overhead luggage storage. Can we ask for more?
Yes we can. Boeing 787-9 is environmentally friendly. Advanced Rolls Royce engines emit 60% less noise, and combined with Dreamliner's light structure – the fuel consumption is also smaller. This is why Boeing 787 could not have a better name than Dreamliner.
Our Dreamliner in 787-9 version can take 294 passengers onboard in three travel classes: 24 seats in Business Class, 21 seats in Premium Economy Class and 249 seats in LOT Economy Class address individual needs, possibilities and expectations of passengers. We would like to invite you to explore the expansive sky in our Dreamliners. You will see – irrespective of your destination – you will talk about this journey many times.
Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner - Seat Plan
Specification | Value |
Length | 62,81 m |
Height | 17,02 m |
Wingspan | 60,12 m |
Fuselage diameter | 5,94 m |
Maximum take-off mass | 249 475 kg / 251 743 kg* |
Number of seats | 294 |
Aircraft engine | Rolls Royce Trent 1000 TEN |
Cruising speed | 903 km/h |
Range | 14 140 km |
Maximum fuel | 101 456 kg |
Operational ceiling | 13 100 m |
Number of items | 7 |
*respectively 5 and 2 planes in fleet

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