Revitalization of crane habitat areas in Starogard Forest District
Since September 2019, we have been cooperating with the State Forests. We actively participate in the Auctions of Carbon Dioxide Units, which are held within the framework of Forest Carbon Farms. In addition, we focus on the capture and retention of CO2 by Polish forests and are involved in the revitalization of crane habitat areas in the Starogard Forest District.

Goal of the project - why does crane protection matter?
The main goal of the project is to increase the amount of carbon dioxide captured and stored by forests and reduce gas emissions from wetlands. In the Starogard Forest District, measures are being taken to restore the retention capacity of forest areas by flooding previously drained water tanks.
This area is of particular importance to us in connection with the existence of cranes, which are an important part of the symbolism and logo of our organization. Cranes symbolize elegance, strength and travel, so the protection and preservation of these birds is important to us.
The ongoing revitalization project has a number of environmental benefits.
Inundation of ponds has a positive effect on the retention of surface and groundwater, thus counteracting the effects of drought on the one hand, while at the same time increasing flood protection. Activities undertaken in the Starogard Forest District include not only the restoration and maintenance of suitable habitat conditions for cranes, but also have a positive impact on increasing the biodiversity of the entire flora and fauna.
There are increasing numbers of rare bird species in the area, such as:
- bald eagle,
- black stork,
- hoopoe,
- crane,
- kingfisher,
- mute swan,
- gray heron,
- geese,
- wild ducks.
Thus, the project contributes to the restoration of natural environmental values.
Where did the funds come from to revitalize the project?
The funds for the project to revitalize crane habitat areas in the Starogard Forest District come from the Carbon Dioxide Units we purchased in auctions conducted by the State Forests. A Carbon Dioxide Unit, or CDU for short, is an amount of organic carbon equivalent to 1 ton of CO2 that is accumulated in the stands and in the soil, thanks to activities carried out by the State Forests. The purchased Carbon Dioxide Units are an additional contribution to offsetting CO2 emissions and contribute to the absorption of this gas by Polish forests.
In previous years, we purchased the following quantities of Carbon Dioxide Units (CDUs) in auctions held by the State Forests:
- 2019 → 7,717 CDUs
- 2021 → 1,851 CDUs
- 2022 → 1,842 CDUs
What does cooperation with the State Forests give us?
Thanks to our cooperation with the State Forests under the Forest Carbon Farms project, it is possible to take long-term measures to protect the environment and offset CO2 emissions. We continue our involvement in environmental projects, striving to minimize our impact on the environment.