Dangereous goods

Dangerous goods are articles or substances which are capable of posing a risk to health, safety, property or the environment and which are shown in the list of dangerous goods of IATA DGR or which are classified according to IATA DGR.
Dangerous goods can be safely transported by air, provided that the requirements imposed by IATA are met. All regulations can be found in the IATA DGR manual, which is issued every year.
Our trained staff will take care of professional service of your DGR shipment, starting with the booking process and ending with its delivery to the recipient.
We will transport any hazardous material prepared for a passenger aircraft in accordance with IATA DGR regulations and LOT Polish Airlines variations.
We do not accept shipments forbidden on a passenger aircraft and shipments prepared for a cargo aircraft (CAO).
We invite you to contact our Operations and Customer Service via e-mail: dgr@lot.pl