Estonia – little known places that are worth seeing

So you have already seen the greatest attractions of Estonia? Not it is time to discover the undiscovered! Although Estonia is a rather small country, it has plenty of interesting places to offer. You will be surprised by their natural and cultural values. So, get off the beaten track and start exploring Estonia's little known places.
Poles in an Estonian castle
A Polish accent in history of Estonia? Surely! In Rakvere in the north of the country, there are ruins of a once important castle. The original low wooden stronghold was converted into a castle by the Danes in the 13th century, which then served as a mighty Teutonic fortress. In the 17th century, it became a major scene of the Polish-Swedish wars. Today, it houses a museum and hosts many cultural events. You must-see this historic city!

A lake like a sea
Lake Peipus is ranked among Estonia's most interesting natural attractions. What is so special about it? Its size! Because it is 50 kilometres wide, you cannot see the other bank. At Lake Pipus, you can meet manu rare species of birds and fish. If you are a fan of birdwatching or fishing, you can to safely include that place in your itinerary!
Outskirts of Tallinn
A trip to Tallinn is usually combined with visits to Vilnius and Riga, the capital of respectively Lithuania and Latvia. Meanwhile, the Estonian capital is worth a longer visit during which you can see also in outskirts. They are beautiful but relatively little popular Estonian attractions. Apart from Tallinn's old town, you must visit also the palace and park complex in Kadriorg, which was established at a request by Tsar Peter I. The fabulous historic monument with its well-tended greenery make walks around the area a true pleasure. You can see what life once looked like in the Estonian province in a meticulously prepared heritage park Rocca al Mare, and some excellent maritime collections - the Maritime Museum. You must also visit its branch in Lennusadam, where you can see a submarine from the 130s and a centyru-old icebreaker. Remember, when you are in Tallinn, you can take a day's tour to Helsinki, the capital of Finland. The distance of only 80 km by sea can be crossed on board a regularly operating passenger ferry.

Narva – the border of the worlds
A seemingly uninteresting place, deep inside (or rather within its walls) Narva is quite amusing. The city is intersected by the river by the same name, which is also the border between Estonia and Russia. In fact, one can say that the river separates two completely different worlds. The twin city is called Ivanogrod. On the Estonian side, there is an interesting castle, which is hote to a museum. In your spare time, as part of relax, have a walk down the nice promenade along the majestic river. As for the opposite side, the greatest attraction there is a mighty fortress whose construction started towards the end of the 15th century on order by Tsar Ivan III. If you are a fan of Polish architecture, you might like the fact that Narva is the birthplace of Adolf Szyszko-Bohusz.

Post-Soviet world
The Baltic States belonged to the USSR for several decades, and the traces of hat dependence can be found in many places. In fact, they are ranked among Estonia's most valuable attractions. For example, in the town of Paldiski there used to be a training base for Soviet submarines, and the Pakri Archipelago served as a Soviet military training area - visitors must still beware of mines and unexploded ordnance. There is also a former submarine base in Hara, which is quite popular among fans of urbex (exploration of abandoned, ruined, forgotten, inaccessible or hidden buildings), alternative artists and, naturally, history enthusiasts.
Alatskivi - an aristocratic residence
Do you like visiting palaces? If yes, go to the town of Alatskivi near Tartu, where you will find a Neo-Gothic castle from the 19th century, an effect of fascination of English and Scottish manors. After World War II, it served various purposes and was generally falling into disrepair. Luckily, it was revitalised,thanks to which in its interiors you can now see, among others, an exhibition about Estonian composer Eduard Tubin. It also offers a beautiful and vast park – a perfect place for a walk and a moment of rest.
Discover some more unknown places in Estonia and book flights to Tallinn!