Check in
可在预定起飞时间前 36小时网上值机。 选择一种登机方式。
* - 带星号的字段为必填项。
您是否在下列机场之一开始您的旅程?网上值机只能在当地机场网站上办理。选择机场并进行值机:杜布罗夫尼克 (在新窗口中打开)、波德戈里察 (在新窗口中打开)、斯普利特 (在新窗口中打开)、地拉那 (在新窗口中打开)、扎达尔 (在新窗口中打开)、斯科普里 (在新窗口中打开)。
从阿塞拜疆的巴库 (GYD) 出发吗?还是从希腊的雅典 (ATH) 出发?在网上办理值机手续时选择您的座位,然后前往机场值机柜台,以便我们检查所需文件。此时,我们将为您提供带有二维码的登机牌。
输入您的预订号码以查询您的旅行详情。 更改您的航班日期(如果您的机票允许),选择座位,检查宠物运输的可用性,订购机上餐食或添加行李等附加服务。
Before you fill out the form, check whether the matter you want to report should be addressed to your bank. Verify the history of your account, check whether the amount was mistakenly charged or merely blocked by the bank. If blocked, it is taken off within 2-3 business days.
If the payment was made correctly, but you don't have a reservation number, before filling out the form, check your mailbox, including your spam folder, for a reservation confirmation message.
If you know that the request should have been sent to PLL LOT, use the form below and describe the error. Remember to include attachments, i.e. screenshots from the page or bank statements to confirm the situation you describe.
All mandatory fields are marked with (*)
Contact information
We process your personal data provided in the application in order to conduct the complaint procedure regarding air carriage. The data controller of your personal data is PLL LOT S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw. You have the right to object, the right to access the data, and the right to request their rectification or their erasure or to restriction of processing. Detailed information on the processing of your personal data can be found here.