Aquatic Warbler translocation project in Rozwarow Marsh Natura 2000 site
As part of the Destination ECO program, we have entered into cooperation with the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) to protect an endangered species—the aquatic warbler. The project involves relocating Aquatic Warbler individuals to Rozwarow Marshes (Natura 2000 site) from the Biebrza Valley. Together with OTOP, we are also involved in the development of carbon offset units in Poland.

Why do aquatic warblers need protection?
The Aquatic Warbler is a small bird of the passerine order, weighing about 12 g. This species most often inhabits peat bogs, a large part of which has been drained in the last century, thus depriving Aquatic Warblers of places to live. The Aquatic Warbler is the most threatened passerine bird species in continental Europe.
Currently, the global population is believed to be 11,000 singing males. As of 2014, Aquatic Warblers breed in only 4 countries in the world—Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania. 25% of the global Aquatic Warbler population occurs in Poland, so its protection in our country is a priority.

The amazing journey of the aquatic warbler
Aquatic Warblers do not winter in Poland, they make a very long journey for such a small species. At the beginning of their migration, Aquatic Warblers head west to Belgium, the Netherlands, and France, after which they fly across the Iberian Peninsula to western Africa, where they spend the winter. Such a journey is more than 6,800 kilometers of flight (76 hours of non-stop driving).
What does the translocation project consist of?
- The main objective of the translocation is to restore the Aquatic Warbler population in Western Pomerania.
- In parallel, for the effectiveness of the translocation project, favorable conditions for the Aquatic Warbler are being created and maintained in the Rozwarowskie Marshes Natura 2000 site in West Pomerania (appropriate water level and vegetation structure in the species' habitat).
- As part of the translocation, Aquatic Warbler chicks are transferred from Biebrza Valley to Rozwarowskie Marshes area.
- An important part of the project is also monitoring the effects of translocation.
- Activities of the project are implemented in 2023-2024.

Interesting facts about the aquatic warbler
- Aquatic warblers do not mate, and males do not take care of their offspring.
- Aquatic warblers lay 5 to 6 eggs in the middle of their mates, and often each egg is fertilized by a different male.
- Aquatic warblers feed mainly on insects and arachnids.
- During the breeding season in their breeding grounds, male Aquatic Warblers occasionally make a tocking flight—rising into the air and descending with their wings spread wide, they sing.

OTOP is one of the largest conservation organizations in Poland, and is also a partner of the world federation of bird conservation societies, Bird Life International. Since its founding in 1991, OTOP has been dedicated to protecting wild birds and their habitats. The organization carries out active conservation, monitoring and policymaking activities affecting the environment and environmental education.
The Aquatic Warbler translocation is being carried out within the framework of the LIFE MagniDucatusAcrola project No. LIFE15 NAT/LT/001024.