Check-in at the airport

check-in at the airport

Airport check-in

Check-in and baggage drop-off for flights operated by LOT Polish Airlines (flight numbers LO001-3999*) is open at least:

  • 2 hours before scheduled departure time at Polish airports (except Warsaw (WAW) - check-in at our hub airport is possible several hours in advance) and other airports from which medium-haul flights are operated (Europe, Middle East and North Africa);
  • 3 hours before scheduled departure time for flights from the USA, Canada and other long-haul flights.

Passengers must always take into account the check-in closing time for scheduled flights, and the possibility of longer waiting time for the security check.

*If you have a ticket for a PLL LOT flight operated by one of our partners (flight numbers LO 4000-5999), please contact the carrier operating your flight to obtain information about check-in opening and closing times.

Check-in and baggage drop-off closing times for scheduled flights

Ticket and baggage check-in closing times for scheduled flights
Destination  Check-in closing time
domestic flights (within Poland) 30 minutes
 short-haul flights to Schengen 40 minutes
short-haul flights to non-Schengen 50 minutes
flights from the Middle East 60 minutes
long-haul flights 70 minutes

Attention! The check-in and baggage drop at Lisbon Airport (LIS) closes 45 minutes before departure. 

We observe the above time limits to ensure timely departures. Remember that before the check-in is closed you must have your boarding card, even if you have already checked in online you must have your baggage checked.

Security check

Due to possible airport infrastructure problems at certain airports, please allow for longer waiting time at the security check.

Passengers with limited mobility who use mobility aids are asked to allow for longer time necessary to conduct a security check of the passenger and his/her equipment.

Due to extended security procedures, passengers traveling from Toronto (Canada) to India are kindly requested to arrive at the airport at least 3 hours prior to departure.

What time should you arrive at the airport? Read our guide!

What time should you arrive at the airport? Read our guide!
Side view shot of businessman and businesswoman walking with luggage inside airport terminal

We strongly recommend online check-in 36 hours before departure.

Baggage self check-in at self-service LOT kiosks in Warsaw Chopin Airport

If you are travelling with our airline from Warsaw Chopin Airport, you will easily check in your baggage at one of the many LOT self check-in kiosks.

Operation of a LOT self check-in kiosk is easy, and the process is very comfortable and passenger-friendly. To check-in your baggage, just enter your data or scan your boarding pass, print a self-adhesive baggage tag, attach the tag to your baggage and leave it at the LOT Bag Drop counter.

Baggage self check-in is available only on direct flights (no transfers).

Woman at self check-in